23 janvier 2025
Non classé

Sign urgent petition to President uf UN General Assembly

While Germany and other governments have protested this outrage, it is up to the United Nations to take the lead in ensuring that the Iranian regime’s genocidal hate has specific consequences. Please join the Simon Wiesenthal Center in urging Dr. Jan Eliasson, President of the United Nations General Assembly, to convene the 191 member states to censure Iran and declare its President persona non grata.

Next month, the UN General Assembly holds its first-ever official the Holocaust Commemoration Day on January 27. Ahmadinejad’s denial of the Holocaust not only slanders the memory of six million Jews but makes a mockery of the UN’s Holocaust commemoration.

Until now, Holocaust denial has been the domain of the lunatic fringe. Now, the leader of a repressive regime that is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power, has mobilized the full power of his state’s apparatus, not only to deny history’s greatest crime, but to demand that Israel be removed from the Middle East or be confronted with his threat that the Jewish state be “wiped off the face of the map.”Please act now by following this link to the Wiesenthal Center’s petition to Dr. Jan Eliasson, President of the United Nations General Assembly.

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This e-mail was sponsored by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an international organization with 400,000 members, promoting tolerance and combating antisemitism worldwide.

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